Chris - Author
14/05/2018 12:52
New Campaign: SMA® PRO Toddler Milk
As your child reaches toddlerhood, you’ll see some big developments! Some amazing changes will start to happen as they grow and develop into proper little characters. They’ll start to crawl, then walk and talk! Toddlers have so many new things to explore and this takes up a lot of their energy. Having the right nutrients from a good toddler diet is important to help your little one undertake all of life’s new adventures. Their diet now will determine a big part of their future health – helping set their nutritional foundation for life.
Inspired by the specific nutritional needs of toddlers, SMA® Nutrition has developed SMA® PRO Toddler Milk, our most advanced toddler milk yet. SMA® PRO Toddler Milk is to be used from the age of 12 months as part of a varied and balanced diet.
We are looking for 500 parents with a baby between 11 months and 3 years old to try SMA® PRO Toddler Milk. Interested? Subscribe now.
SMA® PRO Toddler Milk is suitable for young children from 1-3 years, as part of a healthy balanced diet and it is not a breast milk substitute. Breastfeeding should continue for as long as possible. ZRI716a/04/18 SMA® Nutrition Ireland